In the rear of the first room on the right, Crystal has
beautiful vintage Jewelry
A whole rack of Gorgeous vintage gowns for all of your special occasions
She loves to pack in the Little This and Thats
But...Crystal's space is more than apparel....she has
Carnival Glass, Prints and so much more.
Then in the next room, Charlie shows off exquisite
Kincaid Furniture
Vintage 7Ft Wardrobe
Handstitched Quilt

And, he is not finished bringing in the Smalls !
Not meaning to brag....well, I actually DO mean to brag.... Chuck and Pat have this
One-Of-A-Kind Bookcase
So what are you waiting for, consider this YOUR personal invitation to stop by.
Remember, the APRIL SHOWERS sale starts SUNDAY, April 1 and that's NO APRIL FOOL!!!
Hope to see you soon, Kathy