I hope all of you had a sweet Valentine's Day !
In our busy life, everyone has several people dictating what you need to, should and have to get done in a day. Husbands or significant others, children, school, groups and so on have "just a quick minute" item. Well, my biggest dictator is Time. I capitalize the "T" because in my life it is a constant entity that I find myself borrowing from and skimping to pay back. Time is a better athelete than I am, I know that because it is always way ahead of me.
It had been a few weeks since Time allowed me to get out and browse around local shops. Usually Time allows me part of a Wednesday and yesterday I closed my eyes to my desk and other things and ran. My friend Doodles came along with me.
I delivered some auction purchases to one of my favorite places in Culpeper....Quail At The Wood antique shop right on Main Street one block on the left before the Davis St. stop light. Sarah Hays has this shop and it is exquisite. Leave the kids at home...it is not a kid friendly shop and you surely don't want to pay for an item broken. I never take my Grandchildren inside.
Then we went to the Green Roost on Davis Street to buy rose buds and lavender smelly stuff for the shop. Doodles bought a cute slender bench to sit in front of her sliding glass door for plants on top and underneath.

At the corner, across from Clarke Hardware, is a fairly new store simply called TASTE. It is full of cooking oils, vinegars and spices from all over the world. There are rows of large vats from which you draw a small taste. Any flavor EVOO that you can think of...they have. Then turn around and there are at least 30 containers of Balsamic Vinegars to taste. I fell in love with Blackberry and had to get a bottle, $11, and he drew it straight from the vat. Bring the bottle back for refill and get $1 off. Cute vinegar containers too. I was so excited that I forgot to take pictures! They haven't gotten around to a website yet.

Did you hear that....Time is calling and says I have been on the computer too long. Until next time..
Kathy- thank you to you and Doodles for getting out to these shops and share a "preview" for us. I love Green Roost and have bought several things for the house from there. I always look forward to read where you have been and where I need to go.....